Website Copywriter Services

Copy that guides visitors to conversion. Messaging that’s more like mind-reading. So people finally believe in your work as much as you do.

“Working with Kevin and Augmental was a cathartic experience.”

“Together, we refined my company’s purpose, points of differentiation, and audience. I’ve been amazed at how well he captured what my company does.”

Xavier Chang
Principal, XC Consulting

“The revenue generated is well over $500,000, a return many times what we’ve invested.”

“Augmental has raised our game and given us the visibility needed to drive leads to our site and convert them into paying clients. The results have been exceptional.”

Tricia Dempsey
Founder, Agile

You're a marketing leader who champions strategic messaging.

But vast and fearsome forces are keeping you from getting it right.

When you launched your site, just getting online was what mattered most. Strategic website copywriting wasn’t the top priority.

It’s NOT like you don’t value words. You already understand how vital the right messaging is for converting customers.

But there were powerful forces keeping you from that goal.


Powerful forces like...

Limited resources

Your team had solid writers, but none was a conversion-focused website copywriter.

Too little time

There were only enough hours for what you’ve got now.

Competing priorities

You’re constantly being pulled in different directions. No way could you give the site the attention you wanted.

Bureaucratic hurdles

Too many people involved = a watered-down message.

You wanted a website that would . . .

Show what makes your work special.

Have customers thinking, “Wow, I’m ready to buy.”

Sell even when you were sleeping.

Instead, you have a site that doesn’t reach that level. It’s just . . . there.

A woefully adequate placeholder.

Now, you're worried the website is driving away customers instead of bringing in business

Even though your site is professionally written, the strategy seems to be missing.

Too focused on the company instead of the customer.

Too rushed in its attempt to convert visitors.

Too many pages in the journey.

Worst-case scenario

You hope people just ignore the copy and focus on your products or services.

That lunch with your cousin didn't help

She’s telling you over mixed greens how busy she’s been. You know, since her company relaunched its website. She has to cut out early to talk with a prospect.

You’re curious. So, she shows you the site.

Turns out, her company is at a level of sophistication so far from where your company lives . . .

You’d need an international flight to visit.


The frustration isn't fair. You know what you need.​


You understand your business. What makes it valuable to your audience. What makes it better than competitors.

You’re proud of what you do. You shouldn’t be worried about whether writing is costing you customers.

Instead, your marketing assets — especially your website — should be driving business for you. While you work on other projects. While you sleep. While you’re out for a run listening to John Scalzi’s latest scifi story.

You're ready to start with a new website

From a place of greater insight, sophistication, and expectations

So, where do you begin?

In-house may end up right back where you started. Only, months later.

Your team may not have the time or specialization to research and write conversion copy. And no one wants extra work that will tie them up for weeks.

Plus, you want an outsider’s perspective. Someone who will push back against “the way we’ve always done it” to get to “the way we’ve always wanted it.”

A creative agency is more than you need.

You want a website copywriter.

But you aren’t in the market for client managers, project managers, brand strategists, graphic designers, back-end engineers, and UX specialists.

Your project doesn’t need a whole orchestra. You just wanna rock.


A freelance website copywriter is the best fit for your company

And wow, is it hard to find someone who checks all the boxes:

  • Asks the right questions and find the unique value of your work.

  • Writes it better that you can do it yourself.

  • Specializes in website copywriting services (not blog and social content).

  • Understands conversion strategy and the stages of customer awareness.

  • Is self-directed — so you don’t lose time overseeing their work.

  • Makes it stress-free by communicating and delivering on promises.

  • Provides clear pricing you can use for budgeting.

  • Sets expectations and never ghosts you.

  • Actually writes the copy. No plagiarism. No duplicating projects.

  • Has a vision for the design and communicates it well.

As important as all of that, you want a copywriter who cares. Someone who is personally invested in your success.


Say hello to Kevin Preis and

Website Copywriting Services from Augmental

Finally have people believe in your work as much as you do

Get website copy that defines your value, draws more prospects, and drives new sales.

With a single, reliable professional.

Kevin Preis

For marketing leaders who want a better website.
Better strategy. And a better experience.

“Kevin analyzes situations, offers specific and actionable solutions, and writes effective and strategic copy.”

“One of the reasons that the relationship has been so successful is that Kevin takes a proactive approach. He understands how to work with our internal team and designer, and it makes for a seamless process.”

JT Hroncich
Managing Director,
Capitol Media Solutions

“Kevin took a strategic approach to defining our content needs, communicated with us throughout the project, and delivered everything on time.”

“This was a large project with a short deadline, and the website was being launched to serve the entire State of Louisiana, which meant that it was also going to be very public … We’re very pleased with the results.

Lucas Tramontozzi
Program Manager, Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals

“We are very happy with the results Augmental has helped us achieve.”

By working with Augmental, we’ve been able to make better connections with the employers and job seekers who need our solutions. It identified our points of differentiation, wrote copy that showcased our work, and developed a brand name for our corporate giving program.

Ray Stack
Dir. of Recruiting, Visionaire Partners

“The writing that Augmental provided effectively defined our approach and clarified our difference, and we see it helping connect us with our audiences.”

“Augmental guided us through the process of planning our new website’s content and crystallized our marketing message as a purpose-driven investment business.”

Daniel Alexander
Managing Director, Real Estate Asset Partners

Following a methodology I've established over more than a decade in the profession,

here's how a typical project works.


We’ll talk about your company and your goals. Also, we’ll go over what your website is doing versus what it should be. That way, we can overcome obstacles and take advantage of opportunities.


I’ll analyze your marketing materials, competitors, and current website. Since I have a Google Advanced Analytics Certification, I may also dig into the data. That can give us better information about what drives your audience to convert.


No more assumptions about what people want. Customer interviews and audience research can identify pain-points, ideal outcomes, competing solutions, and challenges to switching. We want customers to feel like the messages on your website are read their mind.


You shouldn’t have to guess which webpages you need and how customers should move through the site. Instead, research will inform our strategy. I’ll turn the customer journey into an Excel document, showing the pages the site should have and how they fit together.


Designers love my approach because it saves hours in revisions. Before a single page is designed, I’ll coordinate with your team on website architecture, conversion strategy, and general design principles. Also, the copy documents I write will recommend layout, user interactions, and design elements. This guidance ensures that words and layout fit together naturally.


You’ll receive professionally written copy in Microsoft Word format. We need to sell your company as effectively as possible, and so even standard projects include extensive copy. We can expand your project to include long-form sales pages, landing pages, and other highly effective conversion content.


When prospective customers search online, you want them to click links to your website. With every webpage I write, I’ll draft a title tag and meta description that’s focused on selling the click. This meta data helps prospects come to your site in the first place.


The webpages I write will include two rounds of revision, so you can request changes if needed. Revisions should be minimal as proven by client experiences over more than a decade in business. I guarantee that I will personally double-check and spellcheck the copy I send. That means you don’t have to waste time fixing grammar and syntax.


Meta data is one small part of SEO. If being found through online search is critical to your business, let’s discuss the ways I can support your goals.

Typically, this add-on service includes keyword research, technical recommendations, internal link planning, and optimizing copy for search.

Work with an expert . . .

Because you know what you'll be getting

You can trust your project to someone who has extensive experience, intensive training, and a proven record

10+ years

professional copywriter






BA, English / Writing

MOZ Academy

SEO Page Optimization

10x emails badge

Because life is easier when your writer is a project leader

That way, you don’t lose time coordinating everyone’s work.

Or going down the rabbit hole of website strategy.

Or trying to fit the words to the site layout.

You just get everything you need for copy — from one provider.

Because you can expect professionalism from a professional

No ghosting

I’ll respond to your requests for services and, when you’re a client, keep you updated on your project. I’m U.S.-based and easy to reach.

No-surprises pricing

I provide flat-rate pricing for 99% of projects. That way, you can know how much to budget before you move forward. It’s a lot simpler than estimating hourly rates and project time.

Responsive communication

Save yourself the stress. I reply within two business days, even if it’s just to let you know when I’ll send a more thorough response.

"You do you"

You will not have to spend all of your time overseeing your website project. I’ll collaborate with you during important client milestones and otherwise work independently or with your design team.

Only original copy

Never worry about plagiarism with what I deliver. The writing is guided by the unique value of your work, the goals of your business, and the needs of your audience.

Let's start with the basics

  1. You’ll share some information about your business and your goals.
  2. We’ll have a brief 20-minute call. I’ll learn more about your company, customers, and competitors.
  3. Together, we’ll decide what you need for your website copy project.
  4. If it seems like a fit, I’ll send a detailed review of what I’ll do for you.
  • We’ll get started from there. And you’ll get the site you need.

Yes, you want new leads, prospects, and sales -- but you also want to be excited about your work. So,

Get copy that converts visitors and showcases your value

Plus, start your project before November 1, and at no additional charge, I will provide in-design review services:

I’ll coordinate with your design team after I deliver the copy. That way, there’s no confusion about implementation.

I’ll look for typos and errors once the copy is in layout. (These transcription problems happen, even with the best design teams.)

And I’ll recommend further revisions to the copy. Tightening up paragraphs, evening out columns, and strengthening headlines helps your site make the biggest impact possible.


It's yours when you sign on before the deadline.

That's in addition to what you already receive:

  • Company and customer research. Know what drives conversion.
  • Website architecture to take guesswork out of the customer journey.
  • Design collaboration to save hours of revisions (and create a more beautiful site).
  • Copywriting focused on converting visitors.
  • Meta data to drive clicks from Google. (Also, optional SEO to increase your site’s visibility in search results.)
  • And revisions that ensure your website is what you hoped it would be.

Plus the guarantees: Double-checking and spellchecking every page of copy you receive. Straightforward pricing that helps you plan your budget. And professionalism you can rely on.

Finally have website visitors believing in your work as much as you do


XC Consulting: Website


XC Consulting


Website Copywriting, Architecture


“Working with Kevin and Augmental was a cathartic experience.”

“Together, we refined my company’s purpose, points of differentiation, and audience. I’ve been amazed at how well he captured what my company does.”

Xavier Chang


XC Consulting

XC Consulting works with business leaders to define and improve their company’s processes. The consultancy approached Augmental for help engaging and converting more of the prospective clients who visit its website.

To achieve this objective, Augmental:

Performed research and client interviews. This analysis allowed Augmental to identify areas for improving the site.

Worked in partnership with D.Hill Design to recommended changes to the site’s structure, user experience, and messaging. This included simplifying navigation to encourage conversion.

Used a problem-agitation-solution approach to rewrite the homepage. Augmental re-centered the content to make the website visitor the “hero” of the story.

Re-wrote the “Services” webpage and other site pages to clarify what clients can expect and to demonstrate the value of the consultancy’s offerings.

Wrote new case studies to add authority and trustworthiness to the consultancy.

I can help your company with a project like this.


Website Copywriter Services


I can help your company with a project like this.

Websites Portfolio