Messaging Blueprint

Have a research-backed plan for speaking to your audience and a clear statement of what makes your company different and valuable.

Your company could use a messaging blueprint if:

blueprint screenshot

What is a messaging blueprint?

It's a single document that offers a foundational strategy for communicating about your company. It includes:

Target audience

See your customers and prospects in terms of pain-points, desired outcomes, competing solutions, and challenges with switching to your business. By understanding your audience, you can remove the roadblocks to conversion.

Value proposition

This states the highly desirable and defensible benefit that audiences get from your business. Finally have that one-line description of what you do, who it’s for, and why it matters.

Asset architecture

I create the high-level structure for one marketing asset: a website, an email campaign, a brochure, or similar. It recommends which information to include so that your audience takes action. In a follow-up project, your company or Augmental can use the messaging blueprint to help create these marketing assets.

With a messaging blueprint, you can...

Easily explain your value

No more stumbling. Articulate your difference and why customers should choose you.

Target the right audience

Define the customers who should be your focus so that you don’t waste time and marketing dollars.

Improve conversion rates

Know your prospects’ pain-points, desired outcomes, and doubts about switching. Then win them over.

Be consistent in your identity

Share the same story across your website, email, and marketing assets even as your company changes and grows.

Know how to structure your content

Use your messaging strategy to plan your website, email campaigns, and other assets.

Communicate with customers in a way that's clearer, more confident, and more conversion-friendly.


XC Consulting: Website


XC Consulting


Website Copywriting, Architecture


“Working with Kevin and Augmental was a cathartic experience.”

“Together, we refined my company’s purpose, points of differentiation, and audience. I’ve been amazed at how well he captured what my company does.”

Xavier Chang


XC Consulting

XC Consulting works with business leaders to define and improve their company’s processes. The consultancy approached Augmental for help engaging and converting more of the prospective clients who visit its website.

To achieve this objective, Augmental:

Performed research and client interviews. This analysis allowed Augmental to identify areas for improving the site.

Worked in partnership with D.Hill Design to recommended changes to the site’s structure, user experience, and messaging. This included simplifying navigation to encourage conversion.

Used a problem-agitation-solution approach to rewrite the homepage. Augmental re-centered the content to make the website visitor the “hero” of the story.

Re-wrote the “Services” webpage and other site pages to clarify what clients can expect and to demonstrate the value of the consultancy’s offerings.

Wrote new case studies to add authority and trustworthiness to the consultancy.

I can help your company with a project like this.


Messaging Strategy


I can help your company with a project like this.

Websites Portfolio