
Email Copywriter Services

They met you. They liked you. Then, they forgot about you. Stop it from happening by reaching your customers at the moment of greatest opportunity.

With Unforgettable Email Sequences.

“Over a dozen successful product launches, generating millions in revenue.”
nuwhirl logo

“The email campaigns Kevin has produced have made a big difference. He’s identified competitive advantages our company has always had but hasn’t always highlighted. Then, he’s written emails in a way that gets beyond features and benefits.”

James Runnion
President, NuWhirl Systems Corp

“The revenue generated is well over $500,000, a return many times what we’ve invested.”

“Augmental has raised our game and given us the visibility needed to drive leads to our site and convert them into paying clients. The results have been exceptional.”

Tricia Dempsey
Founder, Agile

It was all going so well. Until your audience disappeared and never came back.

You invested hours and thousands in a great website. Or a sales presentation. Or a product.

The data proves it: people are responding. They’re paying attention to you, coming to your site or your event or your checkout page.

And then, [insert spooky noise here] . . . they’re ghosting you.

Now, you have no way in the world to get them back.


Instead, you're left with scary questions that hold back your business

  • How are you supposed to reconnect with leads?
  • Why aren’t prospects choosing to demo or trial?
  • What can you do to bring visitors back to your site?
  • Digital shoppers are ditching their carts. How much is it costing you?
  • Maybe you’ve spent months on prospective clients. They seemed like they were aaaaaalmost about to sign. So, why did they go with your competition?
  • People aren’t returning as customers or renewing subscriptions. What’s going wrong?

Maybe you're not sharing the right message at the right time

People aren’t always ready to buy.

That journey might take multiple visits, comparisons between options, and discussions with other stakeholders.

Or . . . people just get distracted. Or anxious about making a decision. Or hungry.

You’ve been there, right?


So, they put off the decision. And they forget about you.

Then, one day, in a fit of inspiration, they decide that they’re ready to buy.

It just may not be from you.

Because they didn’t remember your company. Or their needs changed.

Or they were presented an offer from a competitor, and it was right in front of them when they needed it.

You're ready to connect at the right moment

You're ready for email sequences

email sequence flow

An email sequence is a series of emails.

Each brings your audience closer to your goal — whether you want to increase leads, engage site visitors, or retain customers.

Email sequences are triggered by action.

Someone signs up for your free tools. Or abandons an online shopping cart. Or takes some other step.

Your company sends an automated but highly tailored email. 

Because each email is tied to the action, you take that person from momentary interest to the next stage in your sales process.

email sequence flow

So, which option will help you send effective email sequences?

The campaigns you’re writing in-house aren’t making the impact you need

Maybe you already have email sequences for your contact form or shopping cart.

Or you’ve been keeping it simple: sending occasional email updates to your entire subscriber list.

But you’re not getting the results you want: leads, prospects, sales, and repeat business.

And your team doesn’t have the time or specialization to research and write conversion-focused email sequences.

A creative agency is overkill for your company’s needs

You want email copywriting services and marketing expertise.

But you don’t need the extras that often come with an agency: client managers, project managers, brand strategists, and graphic designers.

Your ideal solution is someone who combines these skills. And collaborates with your designer. And manages your projects in a professional, reliable way.


A freelance email copywriter is the best fit for your business


But it’s so hard to find someone who:

  • Asks essential questions to develop effective strategy.
  • Writes better than you can do on your own.
  • Specializes in conversion writing — not just monthly email newsletters.
  • Knows the sequence triggers that will help you reach your goals.
  • Can lead the project so you don’t spend all your time managing their work.
  • Communicates and delivers as expected. (Meaning, you don’t have to stress.)
  • Provides clear pricing that lets you budget appropriately.
  • Coordinates with your design team so that copy flows beautifully into layout.

You don’t have time for the wrong fit

It’s got to be an email copywriter with a proven track record. Someone who cares about the work. Someone personally invested in your success.

Introducing Kevin Preis and

Unforgettable Email Sequences from Augmental

Email copywriting services to reach people at the moment of greatest opportunity

Stand out in the inbox. Eliminate manual processes. Connect when recipients are ready.

And do it all with a single, reliable professional.

Kevin Preis

For marketing leaders who want better email marketing. Better strategy. And a better experience.

“Kevin analyzes situations, offers specific and actionable solutions, and writes effective and strategic copy.”

“One of the reasons that the relationship has been so successful is that Kevin takes a proactive approach. He understands how to work with our internal team and designer, and it makes for a seamless process.”

JT Hroncich
Managing Director,
Capitol Media Solutions

“Working with Kevin and Augmental was a cathartic experience.”

“Together, we refined my company’s purpose, points of differentiation, and audience. I’ve been amazed at how well he captured what my company does.”

Xavier Chang
Principal, XC Consulting

You need Unforgettable Email Sequences because you want help

Getting more leads

Setting trials and demos

Winning back visitors

Retaining customers

Converting late-stage prospects

Connecting with cart abandoners

Following a methodology I've established over more than a decade in the profession,

here's how a typical project works


We’ll talk about your goals and the audiences you’re targeting. That way, we can identify the obstacles and take advantage of the opportunities.


I’ll review your existing email campaigns and the landing pages associated with them. Also, I’ll explore the needs of your audience. We want to write campaigns that seem to read the mind of your customer.


We’ll establish the number and type of email campaigns. The triggers that send them. And the offers for your audience. Maybe your e-commerce business wants to bring people back to their shopping carts. Or your B2B services company needs help attracting leads. The right email strategy can do it.


You’ll receive professionally written copy in Microsoft Word format. I’ll also create subject lines for each campaign, focusing on the recipient’s stage of awareness. The writing will avoid corporate blandness to help you stand out from the standard and to develop a relationship with your audience.


I’ll typically include layout and design recommendations in the copy document. Clients like my approach because it lets them visualize their campaigns. Designers LOVE my approach because it takes away the guesswork. That makes the process of creating campaigns easier and faster.


The email campaigns I write will include two rounds of revision. That way, you can request changes if needed. Revisions should be minimal, as demonstrated by client experiences over a decade-plus in business. I guarantee that I will personally double-check and spellcheck the copy I send. Don’t waste time fixing grammar and syntax.


A lead magnet to encourage website visitors to share their email address? A landing page so people who click your emails actually convert? We can talk about that and more as part of your project.


"What should I do about email production?"

I can recommend some fantastic designers and design teams for you.

As part of a typical project, I give you everything you need to complete design more easily and effectively. This includes:

  • Conversion-oriented email copy
  • Breakthrough subject lines
  • Design and graphic design strategy

From there, you or your designer can implement the copy using the email marketing platform of your choice. Solutions like MailChimp include automation and click triggers, which allow you to take full advantage of the sequencing strategy we develop.


Why Unforgettable Email Sequences?

Because you know what you'll be getting

Trust your project to someone who has extensive experience, intensive training, and a proven record

10+ years

professional copywriter






BA, English / Writing

MOZ Academy

SEO Page Optimization

10x emails badge

Because you want both a writer and a project leader

Don’t lose time coordinating everyone’s work.

Or trying to figure out sequencing strategy.

Or shifting copy around to fit an email’s layout.

Just get everything you need for copy — from one provider.

Because you can expect professionalism from a professional

No ghosting

I’ll respond to your questions and keep you updated on your project. Nothing spooky here.

No-surprises pricing

I provide upfront flat-rate pricing for 99% of projects. That lets you know how much to budget and makes it easier to get started.

"You do you"

You won’t need to oversee every aspect of your project. I’ll partner with you at important milestones and otherwise work independently or with your design team.

To begin your email sequences project

  1. You’ll provide some basic information to me.
  2. We’ll have a brief 20-minute call. I’ll learn about your company and your goals.
  3. Together, we’ll establish what you need to start converting those goals with email sequences.
  4. If it seems like a fit, I’ll send a detailed review of what I’ll do for you.
  • We’ll get started from there. And you’ll get the email campaigns you need.

Convert more prospects, sales, and repeat customers

Start sending Unforgettable Email Sequences now

Plus, start your project before November 1, and at no additional charge, I will provide:

An additional review of copy in design. Before your campaigns go out, I’ll fine-tune the copy in layout. Tightening up headlines and calls-to-action helps make the biggest impact possible.

An extra subject line for you to A/B test. Send campaigns to a small portion of your audience, see which one performs best, and use the winner. It’s a free and effective way to optimize performance.


It's yours when you sign on before the deadline.

That's in addition to what you already receive:

  • Company and customer research to help convert your audience.
  • Campaign strategy so you know the email offers and triggers to use.
  • Email copywriting that sends the right message. To the right recipients. At the right time.
  • Design collaboration that lets you create impact campaigns more quickly.
  • Revisions so you can have confidence that the copy is as good as you wanted — or better than you hoped.

Also, the guarantees: Double-checking and spellchecking all of the copy you receive. Straightforward pricing that helps you plan your budget. And professionalism you can rely on.

They met you. They like you. And now, they won't forget you.


XC Consulting: Website


XC Consulting


Website Copywriting, Architecture


“Working with Kevin and Augmental was a cathartic experience.”

“Together, we refined my company’s purpose, points of differentiation, and audience. I’ve been amazed at how well he captured what my company does.”

Xavier Chang


XC Consulting

XC Consulting works with business leaders to define and improve their company’s processes. The consultancy approached Augmental for help engaging and converting more of the prospective clients who visit its website.

To achieve this objective, Augmental:

Performed research and client interviews. This analysis allowed Augmental to identify areas for improving the site.

Worked in partnership with D.Hill Design to recommended changes to the site’s structure, user experience, and messaging. This included simplifying navigation to encourage conversion.

Used a problem-agitation-solution approach to rewrite the homepage. Augmental re-centered the content to make the website visitor the “hero” of the story.

Re-wrote the “Services” webpage and other site pages to clarify what clients can expect and to demonstrate the value of the consultancy’s offerings.

Wrote new case studies to add authority and trustworthiness to the consultancy.

I can help your company with a project like this.


Email Strategy and Copywriting


I can help your company with a project like this.

Websites Portfolio