LifeValet: Website

Website Copywriting, Architecture
lifevalet website image

LifeValet creates interior design fixtures and accessories focused on “safety meets style.” Its products include a first-of-its-kind customizable grab bar for home and commercial settings.

As a new business, the company wanted to introduce itself and its offerings through major industry conventions. However, it recognized the need to revamp its placeholder website before these events. The company wanted a new site that would:

  • Differentiate its products and its place in a competitive market.
  • Establish trust and authority among potential buyers.
  • Convert site visitors into social media followers and email subscribers.

Augmental determined that the first step was define LifeValet’s messaging, with an emphasis on its products, audiences, and points of differentiation. After establishing this messaging, Augmental:

  • Proposed website architecture that would allow the site to grow over time.
  • Recommended the messaging structure and layout for each page.
  • Wrote copy for the home, about, and “BLEND Grab Bars” webpages.
  • Prepared calls to action for subscribing to email and social media.

Augmental delivered its work under an expedited timeline, allowing LifeValet to complete the site update before the industry conventions. This gave the company an easy and effective way to introduce prospects to LifeValet — and to keep them connected to the company over time.

I can help your company with a project like this.


XC Consulting: Website


XC Consulting


Website Copywriting, Architecture


“Working with Kevin and Augmental was a cathartic experience.”

“Together, we refined my company’s purpose, points of differentiation, and audience. I’ve been amazed at how well he captured what my company does.”

Xavier Chang


XC Consulting

XC Consulting works with business leaders to define and improve their company’s processes. The consultancy approached Augmental for help engaging and converting more of the prospective clients who visit its website.

To achieve this objective, Augmental:

Performed research and client interviews. This analysis allowed Augmental to identify areas for improving the site.

Worked in partnership with D.Hill Design to recommended changes to the site’s structure, user experience, and messaging. This included simplifying navigation to encourage conversion.

Used a problem-agitation-solution approach to rewrite the homepage. Augmental re-centered the content to make the website visitor the “hero” of the story.

Re-wrote the “Services” webpage and other site pages to clarify what clients can expect and to demonstrate the value of the consultancy’s offerings.

Wrote new case studies to add authority and trustworthiness to the consultancy.

I can help your company with a project like this.


LifeValet: Website

Website Copywriting, Architecture
lifevalet website image

LifeValet creates interior design fixtures and accessories focused on “safety meets style.” Its products include a first-of-its-kind customizable grab bar for home and commercial settings.

As a new business, the company wanted to introduce itself and its offerings through major industry conventions. However, it recognized the need to revamp its placeholder website before these events. The company wanted a new site that would:

  • Differentiate its products and its place in a competitive market.
  • Establish trust and authority among potential buyers.
  • Convert site visitors into social media followers and email subscribers.

Augmental determined that the first step was define LifeValet’s messaging, with an emphasis on its products, audiences, and points of differentiation. After establishing this messaging, Augmental:

  • Proposed website architecture that would allow the site to grow over time.
  • Recommended the messaging structure and layout for each page.
  • Wrote copy for the home, about, and “BLEND Grab Bars” webpages.
  • Prepared calls to action for subscribing to email and social media.

Augmental delivered its work under an expedited timeline, allowing LifeValet to complete the site update before the industry conventions. This gave the company an easy and effective way to introduce prospects to LifeValet — and to keep them connected to the company over time.

I can help your company with a project like this.

Websites Portfolio