Other Services

Get help with content, SEO, video,
blogs, design, and development

“The writing allowed us to reach the right people with the right messaging at the right time.”

“Kevin helped us better understand points of differentiation for our company and for each of the products we offer. He is a true pro, and we’ve enjoyed tons of success working with him.

James Runnion
President, NuWhirl Systems Corp

“Augmental delivered a high-quality virtual reality script that exceeded our expectations.”

“The company followed a very efficient and thorough process even under an expedited schedule.

Jennifer Long
Director of Development, Emory University’s Michael C. Carlos Museum

“Kevin communicates with our clients and learns about their needs. Then, he develops a strategy for translating those needs into well-written, goal-oriented content.”

Kevin keeps us up-to-date about the progress of work, helps us anticipate challenges, and is proactive about improving the work process. We are looking forward to our next project together.”

Curt Sautter
COO, Firm Media

“Our clients are looking for high-quality content in every aspect: visual, copy, and strategy. Working with Augmental helps us meet these expectations.”

“Kevin’s knowledge of writing and content marketing lets us support our clients in a professional and seamless way.

Karen Daniel
President, Twwist Creative

Content services

Attract targeted audiences with information, entertainment, and timely resources.

  • “Lead magnet” concept and strategy development
  • Content creation and content writing
  • Content marketing strategy and plan development
  • Content strategy and content management

Search engine optimization (SEO) services

Increase the visibility of your website in search results.

  • “Site launch SEO,” including title tags, meta descriptions, internal links, and keyword integration
  • Keyword research, recommendation, and integration
  • Technical analysis of websites
  • Google Analytics and Google Search Console settings
  • Local SEO review

Video writing services

Engage and inform your audience with high-quality video content.

  • Concept and strategy development
  • Writing for website videos, creative experiences, sales promotions, demonstrations, and educational purposes
  • Scripts in screenwriting or audio / visual format
  • Graphic and visual design recommendations

Business communications and product development

Share information clearly with employees and partners, and support the creation of new products and services.

  • Internal business communications and documentation (e.g. written responses to Requests for Proposal)
  • Strategy, writing, and design recommendations for developing new products and services
  • Strategy, writing, and design recommendations for developing new educational and learning products
  • Creative marketing plan development

Blog post writing and planning

Build authority and connect with readers in a way that is meaningful, authentic, and relevant.

  • Concept and strategy development
  • Topic research and interviews
  • Blog post writing and revision

Design and development services

  • Strategy, design, and writing for experiences, applications, websites, tools, and games
  • New product and software design, development, and consulting
  • Content creation and development for virtual worlds, games, augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality
  • Web and visual design and consultation

Hire a reliable and professional provider to create your content


XC Consulting: Website


XC Consulting


Website Copywriting, Architecture


“Working with Kevin and Augmental was a cathartic experience.”

“Together, we refined my company’s purpose, points of differentiation, and audience. I’ve been amazed at how well he captured what my company does.”

Xavier Chang


XC Consulting

XC Consulting works with business leaders to define and improve their company’s processes. The consultancy approached Augmental for help engaging and converting more of the prospective clients who visit its website.

To achieve this objective, Augmental:

Performed research and client interviews. This analysis allowed Augmental to identify areas for improving the site.

Worked in partnership with D.Hill Design to recommended changes to the site’s structure, user experience, and messaging. This included simplifying navigation to encourage conversion.

Used a problem-agitation-solution approach to rewrite the homepage. Augmental re-centered the content to make the website visitor the “hero” of the story.

Re-wrote the “Services” webpage and other site pages to clarify what clients can expect and to demonstrate the value of the consultancy’s offerings.

Wrote new case studies to add authority and trustworthiness to the consultancy.

I can help your company with a project like this.


Other Services


I can help your company with a project like this.

Websites Portfolio